Judith Miller, retired historical romance writer for Bethany House, mentored Sara on learning the ropes of the industry.
Happy New Year! May this be the year of promises fulfilled and breakthroughs.
There’s something special about discovering a new novelist.
A fresh voice with stories that are unique and soul-warming. Last year, I read this month’s featured author’s debut novel, The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip and absolutely loved it (watch my review). Guess what? The book won both an ACFW Carol Award and a Christy Award–two prestigious awards in the inspirational writing world.
Sara Brunsvold. Take note of that name because you will be seeing more and more literary treasures from her, no doubt. Like her latest upcoming release, The Divine Proverb of Streusel. More on that below.
So who is this fresh voice? Sara hails from a small town in rural northeast Missouri where she grew up on her family’s farm. Steeped in history and an understanding of small towns and the people who live there, Sara creates stories that speak hope, truth, and life. Influenced by humble women of God who find His fingerprints in the everyday, she does the same in her life and her storytelling. Sara’s recognitions include the aforementioned Carol and Christy Awards. She lives with her family in Kansas City, Missouri, where she can often be spotted writing at a park or library.
Sara’s Latest Release
Now how about Sara’s latest book (releases January 16th, so be sure and pre-order)? The Divine Proverb of Streusel. Don’t you love that title? Like The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip, Sara tugs at our heart with authentic messages of hope and forgiveness blended into a charming story briming with quirky and loveable characters. PLUS, the book is filled with mouthwatering recipes. In fact, I think I found my mother’s long-lost recipe for her sweet dinner rolls!
What’s The Story About?
The Publisher’s Summary: Shaken by her parents’ divorce and discouraged by the growing chasm between herself and her serious boyfriend, Nikki Werner seeks solace at her uncle’s farm in a small Missouri hamlet. She’ll spend the summer there, picking up the pieces of her shattered present so she can plan a better future. But what awaits her at the ancestral farm is the past–one she barely knows.
Among her late grandmother’s belongings, Nikki finds an old notebook filled with handwritten German recipes and wise sayings pulled from the book of Proverbs. With each recipe she makes, she invites locals to the family table to hear their stories about the town’s history, her ancestors, and her estranged father.
What started as a cathartic way to connect to her heritage soon becomes the means through which she learns how the women before her endured–with the help of their cooking prowess and a healthy dollop of faith.
How delicious, yes? There were moments when it felt like Sara and I were whisked back in time to my grandmother’s kitchen. I could almost smell the cinnamon and apples of grandma’s apple streusel pie.
Let’s get to know Sara a little more, shall we?

Sara in her “writing office,” which is really just a corner of her bedroom.
Which of your characters has really stretched you as a writer?
Uncle Wes in The Divine Proverb of Streusel represents the first time I have written from a male point of view. A male who is also a farmer and veteran, at that. I relied on my husband and brother to provide insight I couldn’t have otherwise about how a man would react to certain situations and why. It’s true what they say: Men and women do see the world in different shades. I enjoyed the process of seeing situations through a lens not my own. I came away with not only a stronger male character but also a deeper understanding of my male loved ones.
So true, men do have a different point-of-view (POV). I read somewhere that women speak roughly 20,000 words a day. Men speak around 7,000. That is going to have a great impact on how we write in a man’s POV. You did a great job with Uncle Wes.
What do you hope readers will gain from reading The Divine Proverb of Streusel?
I hope readers will come away from their time in Eddner, Missouri, with an inspiration to discover their own roots and, above all, a renewed hope in the power of forgiveness.
Yes, the power of forgiveness is such an important message these days. I think we forget when Jesus taught His disciples–and us–how to pray, it was forgive our sins as we forgive others. Forgiveness doesn’t condone what the other person did, it releases us from feeling we need to bring justice ourselves and remembering that our Father forgives us.
What inspired the idea of a handwritten cookbook infused with proverbs?
The notebook Nikki finds was the author’s attempt to preserve their shared heritage, which included both food and faith. This idea of using the written form to pass down what matters to the next generation was apparently popular among German immigrants in the early 1900s.
During my research, I came across a family biography by a local reporter who wrote about his grandmother’s self-described “common book,” which was a simple notebook in which she captured life lessons for her children. Then, as I was going through my own family artifacts, I found an antique Webster’s composition notebook filled with periodical clippings that featured inspirational poems, wise sayings, and hymn lyrics. Some clippings were in English and some in German. I don’t know who in the family line compiled the notebook, but I treasure it and used it as a physical model for the one Nikki discovers.
Perhaps that was one of the reasons I love this title–Proverbs. My readers know that I am a proponent of reading a chapter of Proverbs each day. Goodness, after over 25 years it has changed my life. How wonderful to have the legacy of our ancestors in written form–a “Common” Book to pass on to future generations.
Who is your most favorite character—protagonist or antagonist?
If we’re talking about of all time by any author, I have to go with Scout Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird. Her spunk, intuitiveness, wit and compassion pour off the page. I loved her and all her faults the minute I met her and haven’t stopped since.
I, too, love Scout Finch for all the same reasons. How about you, readers? Who is your most favorite character?

Longhand writing is a key element of Sara’s process. She free-writes for three full notebook pages as a way to warmup for writing sessions and does first-round edits by hand.
What is the best writing tip you ever received? How was it helpful?
The first draft is just you telling yourself the story. This takes the pressure off to have everything figured out and perfect on the first go. It’s much more fun to think of the first draft as the discovery phase.
I love that POV–“the first draft as the discovery phase.” Writers, especially new writers, sometimes believe that first draft is set in stone–that it has to be perfect. This causes such writer’s block. At least it did for me.
Once my writing mentor sent her fourth draft to me to read as a sensitivity reader, I realized if this bestselling and multi-award-winning author writes like this on her fourth draft, why am I worrying about my first draft!
Another author said that she loves when the editor returns her manuscript with all their edits. She said it helps her look at her story from another perspective.
Thanks, Sara, for the great interview!
Ready for the GIVEAWAY?
The January A2A Giveaway!
Yes! Thanks to Revell Publishing, this month’s giveaway is a copy of Sara’s, The Divine Proverb of Streusel! Plus, Sara is giving away some swag!
There’s one winner and it could be you! How? Well, by entering! Not just once, but up to SIX times!* Leave a comment below and share this blog and if you haven’t already, please subscribe to my newsletter at the bottom of this blog and receive a free gift from me — and an extra entry.
Check out my YouTubeA2A interview with Sara. Because, in the video interview Sara will read a touching excerpt of The Divine Proverb of Streusel, and answer different fun questions! By Liking and Commenting on the video episode, you will have one more entry.* Sharing the video, another entry.* Subscribe, and you have TWO entries for a chance to win.*
The Deadline is January 19th!
Watch ou
r A2A interview!
That means, my friends, if you comment and subscribe -– or are already a subscriber -– to my blog, then watch the video and LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT on the VIDEO, then Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, your name will be entered SIX TIMES!*
Coming up in February: So excited to interview Lynn Austin. A much loved, bestselling and multi-award-winning author whose latest release, All My Secrets, is another epic!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed getting to know Sara–I sure did! Until next month, God bless, Happy New Year, and KEEP READING!
*So sorry, entries from the contiguous US only.