“So I say to you, do not worry about your life—what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothing?” Matthew 6:25, TLV

You know what I noticed? The more stuff I have, the more I worry about other stuff. What about you? Doesn’t seem quite right, does it? When we didn’t have a savings account, I didn’t think about it. Now, I wonder if we have enough in the event of emergencies.
I worry about taking care of all this stuff. Keeping track of all this stuff. It’s difficult to be in the moment, when I’m surrounded by stuff.
Having Less
Having less made life less complicated, more simple. The problems were real and big and needed a big God, not our own understanding.
As a teenager, I had an old clunker for a car. I spent a lot of time praying I would make it home. One night while driving down the steep, busy Hwy 141 in Manchester, Missouri, my lights and power went out. I coasted down the hill — in the dark — praying up a storm until I turned into a small strip mall. Yes, I prayed very hard that night.
With a newer model, I don’t think much about depending upon the LORD to get to and from while sitting on four wheels.
Having more doesn’t mean I depend on the LORD more, it seems I depend on Him less. Hmm.
How about that! Less is more!