Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not brag, it is not puffed up . . . 1 Corinthians 13:4, TLV

This chapter is probably spoken at more Christian weddings than any other — and rightfully so. But I would argue it should be the anthem for all followers of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His Son, our Redeemer, Jesus.
What if we did more than recite these words, but sought to live them. Post them on the doorpost of our hearts and the gates of our behaviors? Because if we did, oh my, what the world would look like.
I just spent a week with dear friends. One of them has a strong understanding of historical injustice. That injustice and prejudice boils down to human corruption and hatred. This verse alone would have circumvented so much pain and sorrow had it been put into practice by those who sat in pews and claimed redemption.
How many fingers point back to us?
Before we point fingers at others, remember how many point back to us. Examine our own hearts for corruption and post these words. Scrutinize our responses, especially those emotional ones that feel hateful, and post these words at our gates. If more of us would watch our own tongues and actions, maybe others would, too.
It’s a thought. Maybe, it’s a beginning . . .
Shabbat shalom.