There’s a connection between this month’s featured award-winning, bestselling author, Tessa Afshar and two of my dearest friends — who also happen to be award-winners and bestsellers. What is that connection?

L to R: Carrie Turansky. Cathy Gohlke, and me
The connection? The three are brilliant. Not just because their writing is exquisite and deliciously memorable, but really, I wanted to thank my friends for introducing me to Tessa Afshar’s writing.
Why publicly thank them? Because, well, I must confess, I am a bit of a Biblical Fiction snob. Cathy and Carrie know that, and yet after over twenty years, they still love me. For several years now, they have raved about Tessa’s novels, yet I was hesitant. There are only a handful of authors I “trust” to write authentic, culturally-driven Biblical fiction.
Guess what. My friends were right. Tessa is amazing and she has now been added to that small group of authors I trust. Not that this is an earthshattering development in the publishing world, but it means a lot to me.
The reason I’m a Biblical fiction snob is another story for another day. I’m just so excited to find Tessa — ahem, thanks to my patient, long-suffering friends.
If you don’t know Tessa Afshar and her beautiful books, then you’ll love this interview (and the YouTube interview with Tessa). Should Tessa and her novels already be favorites, then hopefully, you’ll learn some new, interesting facts about her and her writing.
Let’s begin with her fascinating bio:
Tessa Afshar is an award-winning author of biblical and inspirational historical fiction. She holds a Master of Divinity from Yale
University, where she served as co-chair of the Evangelical Fellowship at the Divinity School. After working in women’s ministry for nearly twenty years, Tessa became a full-time writer and speaker. Tessa and her husband live in New England, where they proudly tend their mediocre garden.
Clearly, Tessa is academically qualified to write Biblical fiction. But there’s more to Tessa’s story.
Tessa was born to a nominally Muslim family in the Middle East and lived there for the first fourteen years of her life. She then moved to England, where she survived boarding school for girls, before immigrating to the United States. Her conversion to Christianity in her twenties changed the course of Tessa’s life forever.
The Middle Eastern Culture truly has a different vibe — that I love. Having friends and family in Israel, and my nephews’ family in Jordan, their hospitality is like no other. It’s those nuances of experience that makes her writing so authentic. Let’s get to know her more.
What is something God taught you while you wrote your featured book?
Although this was a fun book to write because the historical thread had the makings of a great adventure, it also brought the scriptures alive for me. I was reading the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah as I wrote this story, and my research helped me to understand them so much better.
For example, decades before their nation falls, Isaiah tells the Judeans, “The Lord will . . . satisfy your desire in scorched places. . . and you shall be like a watered garden.” (Isaiah 58:11) They would have remembered this prophecy in their captivity. At a time in their history when they must have felt like their life was a scorched place, many of those captives would have walked past Nebuchadnezzar’s Hanging Gardens. They must have seen the impossibility of a garden with large trees and tinkling streams on top of a roof. What should have been a scorched place, especially in hot Babylon, this rooftop, this brick and bitumen canopy, had turned into a verdant garden. What a promise to their hearts! Like that scorched rooftop, one day God wanted to transform their own lives.
Truly, Tessa, a good word, especially those who have waited so long to see the fulfillment of GOD’s promises.
What is the story behind The Hidden Prince?
The Hidden Prince tells the story of a young woman who loses everything and discovers that her destiny is forged in the midst of that loss. Keren’s experiences remind us that the best is waiting around the corner, just a few steps beyond the worst. Keren grows up as a Jewish captive in Babylon. When she fears that she has lost everything, Keren is presented with a mystery: teaching a shepherd boy how to become a king. And Keren realizes that far from having no future, the future of her people may rest in her hands.
I don’t mean to make this story sound all heavy and hard. Hopefully my readers will enjoy a few belly laughs along the way, one or two I-didn’t see-that-coming curveball gasps, and maybe even a few missed hours of sleep because they didn’t want to put the book down. Cause, you know, I like to torture you a little! Ultimately, my hope is that when you finish reading the book, you will feel fresh hope well up for your own future.
The POV of The Hidden Prince is so unique is gives anyone with a love for Biblical fiction a fresh understanding of our Heavenly Father’s purposes. The read is powerful, adventurous, with a bit of romance included. 🙂
What is the least helpful writing tip you ever received? Why wasn’t it helpful?
There is a lot of hype about how many words a day you should write. I find that what works best for me is to honor the way God designed me. I am a slow writer. By using certain tools and brain tricks, I can write at the top of my own speed. But that is not going to match some mythical number, created by someone with a different mind. I trust God’s design. I honor its parameters placed within me. Although I write slow, I am able to make a living as a full-time author even though I only write about one book a year. God honors us when we respect his fearful and wonderful creation in us.
Fascinating. Your thoughtful advice will comfort many writers. The key, as you said, is to recognize

Tessa’s learns the bow and arrow for a book!
our own gifts and GOD’s design in us. Writing one book per year is still a lot! Which is good for us, your readers. Besides, any author who learns how to shoot a bow and arrow for book research is all in when they write.
A friend once asked me, “What are you passionate about? So passionate that you cry out and pound your fist on the table?” What is your pound-on-the-table passion?
My husband, my marriage, my writing, God’s love, the notion that we are meant to live in freedom, the concept of healing for our souls, history, cooking, laughing, friendships, and avoiding housework.
LOL! Avoiding housework! On that note . . .
The November’s Author Highlight Giveaway!
Yes! Thanks to Tyndale Publishing, this
month’s giveaway is a copy of Tessa’s newly released novel, The Hidden Prince!
Isn’t this exciting! And you could be the winner? How? Well, by entering!* And you can enter up to six times (see below).* Leave a comment below and share this blog and if you haven’t already, please subscribe to this newsletter and receive two free gifts from me — and an extra entry.
Check out my YouTube Author Highlight interview with Tessa. Because, in the video interview she will answer different questions–including some insights into her latest novel. Plus you don’t want to miss one or two fun, little known facts about Tessa. By Liking and Commenting on the video episode, you will have one more entry.* Sharing the video, another entry.* Subscribe, and you have TWO entries for a chance to win.*
The Deadline is November 10th!
Author Highlight with Terri & Tessa
That means, my friends, if you comment and subscribe -– or are already a subscriber -– to my blog, then watch the video and LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT on the VIDEO, then Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, your name will be entered SIX TIMES!*
Be sure to tell your friends! See you there!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed getting to know Tessa— I sure did!
Next month’s Author Highlight is the award-winning and bestselling author Susan May Warren.
Thanks for stopping by! God bless and KEEP READING!