September A2A–Author 2 Author Interview & Giveaway with Carrie Turansky

Terri GillespieA2A--Author Interview, Interview: Audio, A2A--Author 2 Author Interview, GIVEAWAY ALERT, My Writing Journey, Other Cool Stuff 8 Comments

If you’ve watched or read my interviews over the years,

you’ll recognize this month’s featured author, award-winning and bestselling Carrie Turansky. Carrie and I met each other through American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) nearly twenty years ago! Just two unpublished authors who longed to see our stories in the hands of readers. Since that time, she has authored twenty-two inspirational novels and novellas and is a winner of the Carol Award, the International Digital Award, and the HOLT Medallion.

Carrie and her husband, Scott dining at Covent Gardens

She loves traveling to England to research her Edwardian novels, including The Legacy of Longdale Manor (a finalist in the Carol Awards), No Journey Too Far, No Ocean Too Wide, and the EDWARDIAN BRIDES series. Her novels have been translated into several languages and have received starred reviews from Library Journal and

Carrie’s latest release, A Token of Love, is a powerful story that calls our attention to a tragic problem, human trafficking. Think this is a bit of a departure? Not really. Carrie has always managed to weave impactful themes into her romances.

Carrie, can you tell us about your latest release?

A Token of Love is a heartfelt dual-time novel set in London during the Victorian era and contemporary time. The historical heroine teams up with an investigative journalist to search for her young niece who has gone missing from the Foundling Hospital. With only a few clues and the gold token left to identify her, the two set off through the dark streets of London intent on rescuing the girl and exposing those who abducted her. The contemporary heroine steps in as the temporary director of the Foundling Museum and is caught in a quandary when the man they’ve hired to make a film about the Foundling Hospital’s history discovers secrets that could damage the museum’s reputation and ability to raise much needed support.

See why I gave this book a 5-Star rating?

Ever wonder what Carrie’s own personal backstory is? Why she writes what she writes? Let’s ask her a few questions.

Many of your books are set in England. What sparked your fascination with this geographical setting and its history?

This is my ninth book set in England, and I’ve loved learning about the people and history, as well as different areas of the country. Some of my favorite novels, Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice, are set in England, and that also played a part in motivating me to write novels set
there. Back in 2012, the popularity of Downton Abbey sparked my interest in life in England in the Edwardian era. As I dove into the research, I was captivated and inspired by the customs, dress, lifestyle, and Christians who were making a difference then. Ideas for stories filled my heart and mind, and I took off in that direction.

What did you read as a child? Or what did you read to your children and grandchildren?

I’ve loved to read since I was very young. I remember going to the library each week and checking out a big stack of picture books, then moving up to chapter books, and finally young adult books. Some of those early books I remember are Make Way for the Ducklings and One Morning in Maine, both by Robert McCloskey. Charlotte’s Web, The Island of the Blue Dolphins, and The Bronze Bow were chapter books I enjoyed.

When I homeschooled our five children, reading aloud was an important part of the day. We read many historical novels and that sparked my interest in that genre. Some of our favorite read-alouds were My Side of the Mountain, The Trumpet and the Swan, Heidi, and The Chronicles of Narnia.

Who are your favorite authors to read and why?

LtoR: Me, Cathy Gohlke, and Carrie after our Sight and Sound experience! Lancaster, PA

There are so many authors I enjoy reading. It’s hard to choose just one, so I will share three. I love to read novels by Cathy Gohlke. They are always so beautifully written, have well developed plots, unique characters, and themes that touch my heart and soul.

[Yes, Cathy is one of my favorite authors and people–see photo.]

A new author I’ve discovered this year is Jamie Ogle. Her debut novel, Of Love and Treason, tells the story of St. Valentine who lived in ancient Rome. I was captivated by her lyrical writing, and I was inspired by Valentine and her descriptions of the early church. Each year, I eagerly wait for a new novel from Laura Frantz. She does in-depth research and brings an era and setting to life so well. The romance and faith elements are beautifully woven in, and I end up falling in love with the characters.

Great choice, Carrie. I love these authors, too!

Now are you ready for another FANTASTIC giveaway from Carrie?

The September A2A Giveaway!

Yes! Thanks to Carrie, this month’s giveaway is a signed copy of her recent release, A Token of Love!

There’s one winner and it could be you! How? Well, by entering! Not just once, but up to SIX times!* Leave a comment below and share this blog and if you haven’t already, please subscribe to my newsletter at the bottom of this blog and receive a free gift from me — and an extra entry.


Check out my YouTubeA2A interview with Carrie. Because, in the video interview Carrie will read a touching scene from A Token of Love, and answer different fun questions–and we have some great discussions! By Liking and Commenting on the video episode, you will have one more entry.* Sharing the video, another entry.* Subscribe, and you have TWO entries for a chance to win.* 

The Deadline is September 13th!

Watch our interview

That means, my friends, if you comment and subscribe -– or are already a subscriber -– to my blog, then watch the video and LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT on the VIDEO, then Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, your name will be entered SIX TIMES!*

Coming up in October: So excited to interview the suspense maven, award-winning and bestselling author DiAnn Mills. Her latest release, Lethal Standoff is exciting thriller and mystery and romance.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed getting to know Carrie–I sure did! Until next month, God bless and KEEP READING!

*So sorry, entries from the contiguous US only.

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