Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! For those who celebrate both . . . GOD bless you! This season can get lost in the bedlam around us…
Daily Word: The Unseen World. Luke 2:14
That night, on a hill in Bethlehem, GOD pulled back the veil between the real world and our world. He gave a humble group of shepherds a…
Daily Word: Worthy of Praise Every Day! Isaiah 7:14
When was Jesus born? For roughly 2.5 billion people, Jesus’s birth was celebrated yesterday, December 25th. A whole industry and our…
Daily Word: Happy Messiah-Mas! Luke 2:11
Today, over 2.5 billion people around the world are celebrating the birth of the Messiah in a manger in the town of Bethlehem. Whether…
Daily Word: May God Fill You with Joy! Romans 15:13
It is the eve of the holiday where millions—perhaps billions—of Christians celebrate the birth of the Messiah. Scholars differ on the…
Daily Word: What is in a Word? Plenty! John 1:14
Did you see that? This translation (the Tree of Life Version—TLV) uses tabernacled, not dwelt or made His dwelling. Why? Because this word…
Daily Word: What is in a Word? Plenty! John 1:14
Did you see that? This translation (the Tree of Life Version) uses tabernacled, not dwelt or made His dwelling. Why? Because this word…