What Are the Scriptures? “… the encouragement of the Scriptures …” When we read the word Scriptures, what do we think of? The Gospels?
Daily Word: Freedom to Choose What? Galatians 5:13
Happy Independence Day! While this is such a beautiful verse, it has been taken out of context and used in ways counter to the intent.
Daily Word: Is Your Service Too Slow? Matthew 20:28
Is Your Service Too Slow? Do you feel more comfortable as the server or the served? Are we irritated when service is slow?
Daily Word: Walking in the Spirit, Galatians 5:16
Have we ever walked into a darkened room to get something, thinking “I don’t need to turn on the light. What I need is right on the dresser.”?
Daily Word: Do U Have Beautiful Feet? Romans 10:17
Do You Have Beautiful Feet? This chapter in Romans seems out of place. It addresses the Jewish people in Israel not the Romans.
Daily Word: What’s the Difference? John 1:12
Aren’t all humans GOD’s children? Yes and no. This verse in John holds powerful insights into the Gospel message.
Daily Word: Who’s a Worm? Isaiah 41:13
Okay. I have to chuckle. Context is so important. Did you read verse 14? “‘Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! . . .”
Daily Word: 5 Ways to Cast Your Worries on God, 1 Peter 5:7
Sounds simple: Cast all our worries on GOD. Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way, does it? At times we can feel like the weight of all our burdens reside on our weary shoulders.
Daily Word: Endures Forever, Psalm 100:5
Did you know there are more than 40 passages that speak of GOD’s mercy and lovingkindness? And they’re not in the New Testament.