It was the last great day of the Feast of Sukkot — the Feast of Tabernacles — when Jesus cried out this quote from Isaiah and Zechariah.
Daily Word: 2 Corinthians 9:6
Paul’s second letter to the believers of Corinth, there is less criticism of their behaviors as in his previous letter. In fact …
Daily Word: Colossians 1:13
“The kingdom of the Son whom He loves.” I just noticed that this morning. The Father gave His Son a kingdom. And only the Father’s redeemed children may enter.
Daily Word: Isaiah 9:1 [2]
Tucked into Isaiah 9 are two beautiful pericopes of Messianic prophecies, the rest are harsh words of judgment. But it is the last verse of this chapter that says it all:
Daily Word: Numbers 6:24-26
Many of us in the church grew up with this benediction at the end of the service. Did you know the context of this blessing? I didn’t.
Daily Word: James 1:17
Today is Black Friday. Black Friday is a colloquial term for the Friday following Thanksgiving in the United States. Traditionally, it marks the start of the Christmas shopping season.
Daily Word: 1 Chronicles 16:34
Finally. The Ark of the Covenant is back in its designated place in Jerusalem in the Tent of Meeting King David had made. There is barely a mention in chapter 16 of sacrifices. David begins with what is most important to him, gratitude and worship to the LORD.
Daily Word: Psalm 28:7
We’ve all had those moments, right? You know, the ones where we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, He rescued us!
Daily Word: Jeremiah 17:10
Jeremiah’s chapter 17 is a bit disconcerting. Judah isn’t faring well behavior wise. Between what the LORD is conveying to Jeremiah, and what Jeremiah observes himself, Judah’s sins — at least with this generation — are indelible.