The Father’s Compassion. We continue our theme from yesterday of the Fatherhood of the Creator of the Universe and Jesus’ Abba (Dad).
Daily Word: Matthew 7:7
A Father’s Heart. Isn’t this a hopeful and uplifting verse? There’s more to this verse than we may think.
Daily Word: Proverbs 19:21
Our Plans. How often do we seek the LORD’s counsel before we proceed with our plans? I wish I could say, “All the time!” Really, I wish I could say, “Some of the time.” But honestly, it is more like “Oh boy, I wish I did it more often.”
Daily Word: James [Jacob] 1:19
Listening. Apparently, not much has changed since two souls were kicked out of the Garden. We’re still slow to listen, but quick to speak and get angry. Sigh. With more venues to “listen” and “speak” than ever before, there’s been a dark cloud of anger hanging over the world lately. How have we contributed to that cloud?
Daily Word: Matthew 6:19
Treasures of the Heart. Jesus continues His “Sermon on the Mount” with the treasures theme. Earthly or eternal.
Daily Word: Psalm 23:6
Goodness and Mercy. Nothing like the “old” reliable Bible passages that we memorized as children. Psalm 23. John 3:16. You know what? I just noticed something about today’s verse. But first, did you ever see the cartoon of a shepherd leading two sheep whose names were Goodness and Mercy? That noodled in my noggin this morning.
Daily Word: Isaiah 64:7[8]
The Potter and the Clay. Today’s verse is tucked into a plea from Isaiah on behalf of his people. Because of the Jewish people’s rebellion against GOD, they would receive punishment — for a season. Still, not the news folks wanted to hear.
Daily Word: 2 Peter 3:9
GOD’s Promises. Our beloved brother, Peter writes this final message shortly before he and his wife were martyred. There is a poignancy as we read the chapter, because we know that soon one of the men who walked, talked, ate, and camped with Jesus when He was on this earth, will die.
Daily Word: Proverbs 4:23
Most of you know of my love of the book of Proverbs. Today’s verse was the key to a sweet insight: passing on our legacy.