I love this verse! It reminds me of how Lucy Pevensie’s pure heart enabled her to connect with Aslan before her siblings — not her…
Daily Word: Bigger Than Us? Proverbs 21:12
Well, today’s proverb is one of those confusing passages. As I often do, I researched various scholarly works for the wise ones’…
Daily Word: It’s About His Dad! John 5:24
This verse is interesting. Who does Jesus tell His followers — that includes us — to trust for eternal life? The One who sent Him. Who…
Daily Word: Transformed Not Conformed. Romans 12:2
This verse nestles within another memorable chapter. Paul instructs the Roman believing community to be transformed by the Creator rather…
Daily Word: Loving Examples. 1 John 4:19
Another drop-the-mic verse. We learn how to love because we have the perfect example, Yeshua — Jesus. But are there other examples of a…
Daily Word: Who’s a Worm?? Isaiah 41:13
Okay. I must chuckle. Context is so important. Did you read verse 14? “‘Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! I will help you…
Daily Word: With Thanksgiving. Philippians 4:6
I love the book of Philippians. There are plenty of quotables nestled within those few chapters. Today’s verse is one of those memorable…
Daily Word: The Art of Praise. The Revelation 4:11
Anyone an artist? Or sculptor, lyricist, writer? The context of today’s verse expresses beautiful images of the throne room of heaven…
Daily Word: Yay! My Favorite Word! Proverbs 14:8
I love this word: prudent. If you’ve been reading my blogs over the years—especially the Proverbs’ blogs—you’re already aware of this fact…