What kind of “harvest” does our wisdom produce? Up until recently, I thought all wisdom belonged to GOD — you know, the Creator of the…
Daily Word: Our Eye’s Apple. Proverbs 7:2
Six years ago, the posterior vitreous material in my left eye detached. PVD is a relatively common problem as we age. As we get older…
Daily Word: Save Us! John 12:13
This past Sunday, many Christians around the world celebrated “Palm Sunday.” Today’s verse indelibly represented this day. Yet, it is…
Daily Word: To Eat or Not to Eat? 1 Corinthians 10:31
What we eat or drink can give glory to GOD? In today’s verse take out of context the question is: “Whether we eat or drink, what?” When we…
Daily Word: Wearing Your Garland? Proverbs 4:9
Ah. The garland. What exactly is the significance of the garland? And why would wisdom set one on our head…
Daily Word: A Father’s Love. John 3:16
The Gospel in a nutshell. The verse most Sunday School children memorize. The verse that says so much about so many themes it would take a…
Daily Word: Who Do We Follow? Proverbs 2:19
There are a few passages in Scripture that are scary. This is one of them.Imagine walking this life, facing all the challenges…
Daily Word: Is Your Service Too Slow? Matthew 20:28
Do you feel more comfortable as the server or the served? For me, being served feels uncomfortable most of the time. Perhaps it is because…
Daily Word: A Rod and Staff Comfort? Psalm 23:4
It’s interesting how commentaries differ on the symbolism of the “rod and staff.” From comparisons to Moses’s rod — a walking stick GOD…