What does that mean, really? Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Let’s think that through, as readers of the Bible, not as students or scholars. Let’s be sojourners
Daily Word: Count to 10, Romans 12:21
What’s our first response when someone hurts us? Experts say it is one of two things: strike back or run away. Or maybe hit and run.
Daily Word: Forget the Bread, Mark 8:35
Mark has done a great job of recapping just how much the disciples DIDN’T get Yeshua. And us? After nearly two thousand years of molding His followers into icons
Daily Word: Roots of Anxiety, Proverbs 12:25
There’s a rise in diagnoses of anxiety and ADHD — I think we all know that — and there are chemical and emotional roots to these disorders.
Daily Word: Tribbling Troubles, Psalm 94:19
live in my head. It’s helpful as an author, but can be detrimental to my emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Do you know what I mean? Today’s verse describes me a little too accurately. If left unchecked, my troubling thoughts will multiply.
Daily Word: Loving Examples, 1 John 4:19
We learn how to love because we have the perfect example, Yeshua — Jesus. But, are there other examples of a perfect love?
Daily Word: Love with Wisdom, Philippians 1:9-10
I refer to this passage a lot. This is a balanced and wise approach to love. Lately, I have focused on the importance of love. But . . .
Daily Word: Be Strong! It’s a Choice of Faith! Joshua 1:9
There’s that word: Chazak! Be strong! Our context? Joshua’s beloved mentor has gone off somewhere to die, where GOD Himself would bury him.
Daily Word: Simple Isn’t Always Easy, Matthew 22:37-39
From the time the Finger of God wrote on tablets of stone (Exodus 31:18), to Moses transcribing ADONAI’s Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy), it has always been Love God (Deuteronomy 6:5). Love one another (Leviticus 18:19).