Imagine, if you will, Jesus sees the crowds following Him. Like lost sheep that instinctively understand that this Man is their true Shepherd, they come. Are they drawn by the miracles He’s performed? Probably. Wouldn’t we?
Daily Word: Spiritual Constipation? Yuck! 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Sorry for the graphic illustration, but always taking the blessings from GOD and not channeling His encouragement to others just binds us in selfishness.
Daily Word: GOD’s Perspective, Psalm 121:2
From time to time, I need reminding. Where I put my glasses. Adding butter to the shopping list. But a truly important reminder is about perspective. GOD’s perspective.
Daily Word: Decisions. Decisions. James [Jacob] 1:5
They are always before us, aren’t they? Every single day. Sometimes moment by moment. Decisions that can be life altering and we don’t even realize it at the time.
Daily Word: Testing our Hungers, Matthew 5:6
What do we hunger and thirst for? Each of us probably has different priorities. And these “cravings” can change from day to day.
Daily Word: Lay Down OUR Life? 1 John 3:16
How do we lay down our life for our family when we’re offended and hurt by them? Much less strangers? Let’s discuss …
Daily Word: Out of the Heart, Luke 6:45
Think we can hide anger, hatred, doubt, envy, fear? No. Because our Heavenly Father made us, to eventually, manifest those things.
Daily Word: Love God. Love Each Other. 1 John: 2:15-16
Seems ironic that John — the “love” disciple — wrote this verse. Is he saying don’t love the world? Not exactly.
Daily Word: Take Hold of the Eternal 1 Timothy 6:12
Wow! What could happen if we took hold of the eternal? Today’s Daily Word we discuss what that could look like.