Of course, then there is the context issue. Remember how the disciples thought Jesus was there to set them free from the Roman oppressors…
Daily Word: Decisions, Decisions. James [Jacob] 1:5
Decisions are always before us, aren’t they? Every single day. Sometimes moment by moment. Decisions that can be life altering and we…
Daily Word: Sound Familiar? Psalm 119:11
One of my favorite chapters in Psalms is the longest chapter in Psalms. It is unsure who wrote this book of the Bible. Most believe it was…
Daily Word: Choosing Our Protagonist! Ephesians 1:17
Did you catch that in verse 17? “. . . the God of our Lord Yeshua . . . our glorious Father . . .”As an author, one of the first rules…
Daily Word: Are You Provoked? Proverbs17:16
There is a process of meditating on the Bible that I loosely call the “Provoke Method.” Over the years, I’ve always known it as…
Daily Word: Sweet Talk! Proverbs 16:24
If you have followed my Proverbs devotions over the years you’ve learned as I learned, about the medicinal properties of honey…
Daily Word: What’s the Difference? John 1:12
Aren’t all humans GOD’s children? Yes and no. This verse in John holds powerful insights into the Gospel message. It holds insights into…
Daily Word: Price Check, Romans 8:1
How do we put a price on our salvation and adoption? Our atonement? It was so great of a cost. For a long time, folks who don’t understand…
Daily Word: But They Started It! Colossians 3:13
Remember when our parents or teachers broke up our fights? What our default response? “He/She started it!” Even at early ages we were more…