Shabbat shalom, mishpocha [family]! Take hold of the eternal life. Wow. I love that. Something profound in Paul’s instructions to his spiritual son, Timothy…
Daily Word: Decisions. Decisions. James [Jacob] 1:5, TLV
They are always before us, aren’t they? Every single day. Sometimes moment by moment. Decisions that can be life altering and we don’t even realize it…
Daily Word: Out of the Heart? Luke 6:45
Think we can hide any evil or unhealthy roots growing inside our hearts? Anger? Hatred? Envy? Fear? Doubt? Unfortunately—or maybe fortunately…
Daily Word: Still a Miracle. Psalm 91:1-2
I missed the anniversary of one of the watermark miracles in my life. For those who don’t remember or are aware, here’s my Facebook post from January 10, 2016…