Have you ever watched toddlers playing? There are natural sharers — those who willingly sacrifice their toys to be able to play with…
Daily Word: Dwelling Place. Philippians 4:8
Whenever I read this verse, I think of Betsie ten Boom, Corrie’s sister. In the movie, The Hiding Place, the ten Boom sisters stood in…
Daily Word: Giving vs. Shortages. Proverbs 11:25
Remember the shortages of toilet paper, paper towels, masks, and hand sanitizer? How many of us grabbed what we could out of fear, rather…
Daily Word: What Words Say. Proverbs 10:11
Today’s Proverb chapter has a clear theme: the words we speak. A theme that is repeated throughout Scripture. Why? If ever there was a time…
Daily Word: Making Room to Give. Philippians 2:3
We’re not the center of the Universe. It’s important to be reminded, don’t you think? There’s something liberating about doing for others…
Daily Word: Ever Flowing Justice and Righteousness. Amos 5:24
Have you ever read the book of Amos? Its themes are pretty tough. A lot of God’s judgments on Israel’s neighbors and then Israel herself…
Daily Word: Again, and Again and Again? Proverbs 19:20
Does today’s proverb seem a bit repetitive? Simple? More like the proverbial fortune cookie message? We’ve read various iterations of this…
Daily Word: Joyful Noise! Psalm 59:17[16]
Do you have a good singing voice? My husband does. Our daughter has sung at the Apollo in New York and the Star Spangle Banner at a…
Daily Word: He Sees All. Proverbs 5:21
One of my most humiliating events occurred when I was in third grade. I got into trouble. Not just trouble, but a quadruple-portion trouble…