Do we allow disagreements and fear as excuses to not put up with one another in love? Unfortunately, for many of us, being right or…
Daily Word: Where Do We Land After an Offense? Luke 6:37-28
Ever been cut off by another vehicle? Was our first thought, “God bless you!”? Depending upon the circumstances, probably not…
Daily Word: Better than GPS! Jeremiah 29:13
Jeremiah has some of the most beautiful understanding of the Creator of the Universe. The prophet also shows the Creator’s heart…
Daily Word: A Paradigm Shift. Ephesians 3:20-21
The early chapters in the book of Ephesians explain a major spiritual paradigm shift. For thousands of years, the people of the nations…
Daily Word: Test Answers. Matthew 4:4
Here’s a difficult question. Have you ever cheated on a test? Getting the answers to a test by cheating foils the purpose of a test — to…
Daily Word: The Reality of the Impossible. Luke 1:37
The context of this verse is an angel announces to a young maiden — which culturally at that time was a virgin — that she was chosen to…
Daily Word: Hear the Siren? Jacob (James) 1:22-24, TLV
This is a meaty passage, don’t you think? My takeaway is that I have a choice to be a doer of God’s word or only a hearer.A doer will try…
Daily Word: Flattery Fogs Perception. Proverbs 28:23
Who doesn’t like compliments? Is flattery the same as a compliment? No. I used to think it was no big deal to dish out or receive flattery…
Daily Word: What Are the Scriptures? Romans 15:4
“… the encouragement of the Scriptures …” When we read the word Scriptures, what do we think of? The Gospels? At the time of Paul’s letter…