With Everyone? It is interesting that this verse is tucked within instructions on how to accept discipline from God, our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: Biblical Fools are Dangerous? Proverbs 17:12
A fool is as dangerous as a mother bear robbed of her cubs? Really? I’ve read stories of mama bears attacking while mortally wounded…
Daily Word: Is GOD Doing a New Thing? Isaiah 43:18-19
Today’s verses are pulled from a mixed bag of prophecy God gave to Isaiah. A love letter, a reprimand, a reminder of who God called Israel…
Daily Word: A Balanced Life. Proverbs 21:21
In our quest for living a righteous life, we can sometimes hyper-focus on our works and internal examinations. So much so that when we…
Daily Word: Love the Haters? Matthew 5:44
Really? And pray for those who go out of their way to persecute us? Those haters that, well, hate who we are or what we believe…
Daily Word: We’re the Aliens. Habakkuk 2:14
How do we have peace amid unrest and chaos, even within our families? It is with reminders that this is not our home. We abide here as…
Daily Word: Going a Little Deeper into Romans 3:25
Beautiful passage. But what does it mean? What is the history behind Paul’s words? It’s interesting that Paul’s epistle to the Romans…
Daily Word: God Loves U-Turns. Acts 3:19
We discussed this recently, but here YouVersion’s verse of the day is asking us to take another look at repentance. The Hebrew word for…
Daily Word: 3 Ways to Let Your Light Shine, Matthew 5:16
Matthew 5-7 is what is typically known as the “Sermon on the Mount.” What our Messiah did is give a doctoral thesis of the Torah, yet He…