Paul was dealing with a real controversy within the believing community in Galatia. The new Gentile believers were confused.
Daily Word: Why is Unity Important? 1 Corinthians 12:25-27
Why is Unity Important? “We’re in this together,” right? Actually, it should be, “Together, we’re in this.” I like that. In America, we prefer the individuality part better than the whole.
Daily Word: Chazak! 1 Corinthians 16:13
Last year, I choose a word for the year, Chazak! Guess what? I chose it again? Why? Sometimes we just need to dwell a while …
Daily Word: Every Thought? 2 Corinthians 10:5
Every Thought? A few years ago, I received this revelation. It’s simple really. I can’t hide my thoughts from God. Here’s the thing.
Daily Word: Eat or Drink What? 1 Corinthians 10:31
Eat or Drink What To the Glory of God? Whether we eat or drink, what? When we lived in Philly, our rabbi used to say . . .
Daily Word: Never Give Up! 2 Corinthians 4:16
Never Give Up! As another birthday approaches and the knees and ankles creak and moan — or maybe it’s just me doing the moaning — I take comfort in this verse.
Daily Word: What Will Be our Final Praise? Psalm 145:18
This is a psalm of praise written by King David. It is said that it was his last psalm. His last psalm was pure praise
Daily Word: Making Room to Give, Philippians 2:3
It’s important to be reminded, don’t you think? That we’re not the center of the Universe? There’s something liberating about doing for others just because. Just because God has done so much for us first.
Daily Word: A Rod & Staff Comfort? Psalm 23:4
A Rod and Staff Comfort? It’s interesting how commentaries differ on the symbolism of the “rod and staff.”