Trust in the LORD forever. Forever. What does that even look like?
Daily Word: Don’t Hold Too Tightly, 2 Peter 2:3
Like so many other emissaries and apostles, Peter had hoped that Yeshua would return soon. What is so profound, is Peter receives a special discernment that is an important message for us today.
Daily Word: Even When it Hurts, Ephesians 6:12
No matter how brutal or hurtful the attacks, our struggle is not with that person (s), it is with the vilest creatures GOD threw out of heaven.
Daily Word: Always Working, Philippians 2:13
Sometimes we just don’t want to do the right thing, do we? The thing that our Heavenly Father has told us to do?
Daily Word: Love Speaks Without Words, 1 Peter 3:15
Have you ever been around a new parent or someone in love? They practically radiate joy and love and excitement.
Daily Word: He Just Wants to Be With Us, Matthew 6:7-8
Unfortunately, we’ve all been to prayer meetings where there was a lot of “babbling.” Eloquent wording, but babbling nonetheless.
Daily Word: Reason Enough to Praise, Psalm 147:11
Mondays. For many, it is the beginning of the workweek and the relaxation or fun activities of the weekend are but memories and conversations around the watercooler.
Daily Word: Seek His Face, Always! 1 Chronicles 16:11
Finally! The Ark of the Covenant is back under the sovereignty of the King of Israel — the former shepherd boy, David ben Jesse.
Daily Word: To Be Raised Incorruptible, 1 Corinthians 15:57
Paul’s first book to the Corinthians is saturated with references to the Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy), the Prophets, and the Writings. Why?