Before anything — two words that are unfathomable!
Daily Word: Just a Little Longer, Joshua 1:8
On the heels of mourning the death of Moses for thirty days (Deuteronomy 34:8), Joshua and the Children of Israel are preparing to finally enter the Promised Land.
Daily Word: Mobile Connections, Psalm 27:4
When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, He spoke of a new “House” to worship His Father (John 4:21)
Daily Word: Yeshua Means Salvation, Acts 4:12
Yeshua Means Salvation. Literally. The name most know as Jesus was not what He was called when He was on this earth. Yeshua is the root of the word salvation.
Daily Word: Are We Naked in Battle? Ephesians 6:11
Are We Naked in Battle? Well, that’s a dumb question, right? Except, sometimes, my friends, we rush into battle so quickly we forget to wear the complete armor set by the spiritual front door.
Daily Word: Slimy, Psalm 40:2-3[1-2]
Honestly, have we ever felt slimy? As in our spirit is so gunked up with the mud and mire of this world it has us trapped in a pit of fear, despair, bitterness, or hopelessness?
Daily Word: Us, Too, Psalm 68:6[5]
If this passage feels familiar, it is because ADONAI [the LORD] is father to the fatherless and husband to the widows.
Daily Word: Pasture Time, Proverbs 16:3
Does this verse mean if we dedicate our plans to our Heavenly Father they will always succeed? We know the answer to that.
Daily Word: Scary Bridges, Proverbs 3:5-6
It was after midnight. My future mother-in-love and I were driving back from visiting my future hubby, who was in Navy boot camp outside Chicago.