This verse is so powerful. Essentially Jesus in invoking the “Golden Rule” — “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31) –and expands on it in the pericope.
Daily Word: Rooted to Bear Fruit, John 15:5
Rooted to Bear Fruit. I don’t have much of a green thumb. But, I learned something, you can’t root a fruit tree in a glass of water.
Daily Word: Too Busy? Psalm 46:10
It’s difficult to be still sometimes, isn’t it? Especially with demands and deadlines and trials that never seem to end.
Daily Word: Shalom with Everyone? Hebrews 12:14
Have shalom — peace — with everyone? It is interesting that this verse is tucked within instructions on how to accept discipline from God, our Heavenly Father.
Daily Word: What a Gift! John 14:26
This is amazing. The Holy Spirit will be our personal Helper? Our Heavenly Father will give us — because we are His children — a part of Himself? How is this possible?
Daily Word: Hear the Siren? James [Jacob] 1:22
This is a meaty passage. My take away is that I have a choice to be a doer of God’s word or only a hearer.
Daily Word: Ouch! Matthew 3:8
You have to admire John the Immerser [a.k.a Baptist]. He never pulled any punches. Yet, this tiny clause of his comment to the Pharisees and Sadducees is filled with hope.
Daily Word: Love is … 1 Corinthians 13:4
This chapter is probably spoken at more Christian weddings than any other — and rightfully so. But I would argue it should be the anthem for all followers of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His Son, our Redeemer, Jesus.
Daily Word: Finish the Sentence, Romans 12:12
I’m sorry, for sounding like a broken record, but context is important, especially with this verse.