Whoever wrote this powerful and insightful psalm, I wonder if they knew the prophetic nature of this verse?
Daily Word: Learning How to Rest in Him, Matthew 11:28-29
The context of these verses is not what you might think. This passage of comfort and love appear at the end of a series of statements . . .
Daily Word: Who is Doing the Asking? Psalm 100:2
How do we serve? With reluctance? Resentment? Resignation? We always have a choice how — or who — we serve
Daily Word: Watch Those Fastballs! 1 Thessalonians 5:15
When someone “strikes” out at us and our faith, do we “strike” back? Do we lob Bible passages like fastballs with the intent of harming or getting back at our attackers?
Daily Word: Practice Makes Peace, Philippians 4:9
Philippians is one of the letters Paul wrote from prison. Based on the tone of Paul’s letter, the believing community in Philippi seemed to be a favorite of his.
Daily Word: Where is Your Inner Room? Matthew 6:6
Does our Heavenly Father care where we talk to Him? Is it about how perfect or eloquently we say our prayers?
Daily Word: The Greatest Adventure! Hebrews 13:8
What does that mean, really? Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Let’s think that through, as readers of the Bible, not as students or scholars. Let’s be sojourners
Daily Word: Count to 10, Romans 12:21
What’s our first response when someone hurts us? Experts say it is one of two things: strike back or run away. Or maybe hit and run.