Oh my! This passage is filled with wonderful insights into culture, context, and prophesy. Even a lesson in Hebrew.
Daily Word: John 1:
One of Israel’s greatest fears was to be abandoned by God. To be like sheep scattered without a shepherd.
Daily Word: Jeremiah 17:7
There are those folks who are so confident in the LORD that no matter what happens, they know they will be alright. I am not one of those people . . .
Daily Word: Jacob (James) 4:7
Jesus’s half-brother, Jacob played an important role in leadership of the followers of The Way after Jesus’s ascension. His one and only letter, what we know as the book of James, is a stern book. It is believed …
Daily Word: Psalm 27: 4
When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, He spoke of a new “House” to worship His Father (John 4:21). Truly, in this “House” we would dwell forever. For Yeshua told her that one day, very soon …
Daily Word: Psalm 18:3
The horn of salvation is symbolic of strength and God’s majesty. The symbolism begins as early as Exodus 27:2, when God commanded the building of the Tabernacle.
Daily Word: 1 John 4:4
Let’s face it, things are getting real out there. And it can feel pretty scary that many of the values we hold so dear are considered laughable, antiquated, or wrong.
Daily Word: 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
Why does our Heavenly Father want us to continually pray? He loves talking with us.
Daily Word: Ephesians 2:10
We were created for a purpose. Isn’t that comforting? We were made for good deeds, yet our salvation doesn’t rest on them (Ephesians 2: 8-9). Isn’t that liberating?