Did you catch that? Jesus sits at the right hand of His Father. There He intercedes on our behalf to His Father (Hebrews 7:25).
Daily Word: 2 Thessalonians 3:3
CHAZAK! When our Heavenly Father exhorts us to be strong — to have courage — it is because . . .
Daily Touch: Nothing to add to perfection
Nothing to add to perfection
Daily Touch: We carry His Name
We Carry His Name!
Daily Touch: Especially those . . .
Especially those — who are they?
Daily Word: His grace is sufficient
Is His grace sufficient?
Daily Word: ‘Tis the season . . . aarrrgh!
‘Tis the season . . . aarrrgh!
Daily Word: Drop the mic
Drop the mic.
Daily Word: A little prayer
A tiny prayer with power