Context. Why is context so important? Understanding the full context is the difference between . . .
Daily Word: Philippians 1:9-10
How are we to respond in love when others behave badly?
Daily Word: Colossians 3:1
Did you catch that? Jesus sits at the right hand of His Father. There He intercedes on our behalf to His Father (Hebrews 7:25).
Daily Word: James (Jacob) 1:22-24
This is a meaty passage. My take away is that I have a choice to be a doer of God’s word or only a hearer.
Daily Word: 2 Thessalonians 3:3
CHAZAK! When our Heavenly Father exhorts us to be strong — to have courage — it is because . . .
Daily Word: Proverbs 27:17
Do we trust one another as brothers and sisters of our Heavenly Father to be challenged to a deeper understanding of God’s truth?
Daily Word: Psalm 19:1
These days we battle to protect our identity. From those who seek to capitalize on our work, to those who seek to undermine who we are.
Daily Word: Isaiah 43:19
Context. What is the new thing God is about to do?
Daily Word: Psalm 23:4
Remember when Yeshua taught us how to pray?