Chag Semeach [Happy Holiday], dear friends! As we celebrate the atoning work of our Messiah, may you abide in the peace of His redemption…
Daily Word: What Does Walking in Integrity Look Like? Proverbs 10:9
As we walk the path of life, we don’t always make good decisions. And we have talked about how the fear of making a wrong decision can…
Daily Word: Remember When God . . .? Psalm 34:5-6 [4-5], TLV
At sundown, those who celebrate the Biblical feasts will begin the fast for Yom Kippur — the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:26-32). It…
Daily Word: A Believing Remnant Throughout History, Micah 7:18
Our Heavenly Father angry? We don’t like hearing that, do we? Does God get angry? Yes, of course. But, there’s more to this.
Daily Word: One of the Scary Verses, Matthew 6:14
One of the Scary Verses. Jesus said some scary things. Scary because they hold us accountable for our own actions.
Daily Word: Psalm 85:3[2]
Tonight is Erev Yom Kippur (Evening of the Day of Atonement). Considered the holiest day in the Biblical calendar (Leviticus 23:26-32) and in Jewish tradition. Tonight, around the world, believers in the Jewish Messiah will humbly acknowledge the greatest sacrifice of all. And in gratitude and humility fast for those who yet understand.