If we create an environment that accepts lies, truth will eventually leave. There’s no room for it. When truth tries to surface, it is…
Daily Word: 7 Ways to Avoid Manipulators. Proverbs 25:15
Have you ever had a child wear you down until you give into their demands? Grumpy children left on their own, their behavior can develop…
Daily Word: Winking? Proverbs 16:30
The context and culture of this verse implies that winking is a form of deception. In other words, the winker conspires with the winkee to…
Daily Word: Bribery Deceives… Proverbs 17:8
Bribery is a form of manipulation. Manipulation deceives — even if the intentions are “good.” The manipulator has their own issues, but…
Daily Word: The First Person We Deceive . . . Proverbs 5:20
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” (Sir Walter Scott)I was thinking this morning. The first person we…
Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 5:20
Today’s Blog: The First Person We Deceive . . .
Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 9:16
Today’s Blog” Whose Invite Will You Accept?