Honestly, ever feel slimy? As in our spirit is so gunked up with the mud and mire of this world it has us trapped in a pit of fear, despair, bitterness…
Daily Word: Stuck in the Mud? Psalm 40:2-3[1-2]
Shabbat Shalom! Honestly, have we ever felt slimy? As in our spirit is so gunked up with the mud and mire of this world it has us trapped in a pit of fear…
Daily Word: Don’t Give Up! Proverbs 26:15
Believe it or not, there are people who choose to restrain themselves from work — from life. Something in their past triggers a…
Daily Word: Wake Up! Proverbs 20:13
Have you ever had seasons of healing and recuperation where you’ve been confined to bed? Then you know the frustration of being kept from…
Daily Word: A Crushed Spirit. Proverbs 18:14
We would probably better know this as a crisis of faith. Most likely we’ve all had varying degrees of this over our journey. I know I have…
Daily Word: The Brokenhearted. Psalm 34:19[18]
Each day there are millions who will celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, special days. But for some, today is a reminder of loss and pain…