Do you collect things? Books. Bottle caps. Dolls. Antiques. Stamps. Figurines. Automobiles. The list can go on and on. A true collector…
Daily Word: Do We Withhold Good? Proverbs 3:27
Have you ever thought about those missed opportunities to do good? We may miss them because we’re too tired, too busy, or we’re just afraid…
Daily Word: Do your words have an ROI? Proverbs 23:9
“Speak in the ears . . .” Notice this phrase? It took me a while to see the context of this phrase. When we speak — or whisper — in…
Daily Word: Is Our End Poverty? Proverbs 22:16
This may be a blink* proverb to some. It was for me. But over time our Heavenly Father gave me a little nudge to look closer, and, lo and…
Daily Word: How Do You Choose a Friend? Proverbs 19:4
What are the reasons we are drawn to other people? What is it that compels us to be friends with one person over another?There’s actually…
Daily Word: The Motives Quotient. Proverbs 16:2
Ah, yes. The motives quotient to our behavior. What I call the “I meant well” characteristic.It manifests when we respond or behave in a…
Daily Word: What is Your Strength? Proverbs 14:26
Okay, my friends. Bear with me on this one. I’ve meditated on this one for a while, but frankly, I may need more time. You’ll be able to…
Daily Word: Are You Rolling in the Mud? Proverbs 12:16
Chag Semeach [Happy Holiday], dear friends! As we celebrate the atoning work of our Messiah, may you abide in the peace of His redemption…
Daily Word: Do You See the Prisms in Proverbs? Proverbs 9:9
You know how I love to tell you all how important it is to live the Proverbs? That living the Proverbs means we’re in them each day — as…