Shabbat Shalom. Jeremiah has some of the most beautiful understanding of the Creator of the Universe. The prophet also shows our Creator’s…
Daily Word: Weed Out Worry. Matthew 6:24
This is another verse where context is important. In this chapter, Jesus talks about people who love appearing impressive and righteous…
Daily Word: Yet, I Will Still… Habakkuk 3:17-18
Here’s another important context for today’s passage. We know little about Habakkuk other than he was deemed a “minor prophet” during the years…
Daily Word: Stuck in the Mud? Psalm 40:2-3[1-2]
Shabbat Shalom! Honestly, have we ever felt slimy? As in our spirit is so gunked up with the mud and mire of this world it has us trapped in a pit of fear…
Daily Word: Perspective. Psalm 121:2
From time to time, I need reminding. Where I put my glasses. Adding butter to the shopping list. But a truly important reminder is about perspective…
Daily Word: Justification and Sanctification. Hebrews 4:12
The writer of Hebrews — possibly Paul or Luke — was addressing Jewish believers. The people steeped for thousands of years in the Torah — the Law…
Daily Word: Exploring the Gift? John 14:26
Shabbat Shalom, dear chaverim [friends]! Have you ever meditated on today’s verse? Really thought about what Jesus is saying to us…
Daily Word: Too Busy? Psalm 46:11[10]
It’s difficult to be still sometimes, isn’t it? Especially with demands and deadlines and challenges that never seem to end. As we enter a new year, these initial days and weeks…
Daily Word: Rooted to Bear Fruit? John 15:5
Lately, I don’t have much of a green thumb. I’ve done well in rooting philodendron branches in a glass of water. And, I’ve gotten pretty good at transplanting them…