I woke up tired this morning, how about you? Once my brain kicked into gear, I realized that my “To Do” list was longer than yesterday’s…
Daily Word: Very Loved Specks. Psalm 19:2[1]
These days we battle big things like rights, but we also battle just as important things like protecting our identity. We protect our identity…
Daily Word: Test Answers? Matthew 4:4
Here’s a difficult question. Have you ever cheated on a test? Getting the answers to a test by cheating foils the purpose of a test — to see if we understand…
Daily Word: Impossible Peace. Philippians 4:7
Have you ever felt it? You shouldn’t feel calm or clearheaded, but you are. There is grief or chaos or hopelessness or fear around you, but…
Daily Word: Enjoying the Test? Jacob [James] 1:12
The first time I rode a rollercoaster was a right-of-passage moment. Looking back, it set a precedent for facing my fears. One of my younger…
Daily Word: Mobile Faith? Psalm 46:2[1]
Anyone out there remember the credit card commercial slogan, “Don’t leave home without it!”? That was the first thought I had when reading today’s verse…
Daily Word: Seeking Wholeheartedly. Jeremiah 29:13
Shabbat Shalom. Jeremiah has some of the most beautiful understanding of the Creator of the Universe. The prophet also shows our Creator’s…
Daily Word: Weed Out Worry. Matthew 6:24
This is another verse where context is important. In this chapter, Jesus talks about people who love appearing impressive and righteous…
Daily Word: Yet, I Will Still… Habakkuk 3:17-18
Here’s another important context for today’s passage. We know little about Habakkuk other than he was deemed a “minor prophet” during the years…