Shabbat shalom, mishpocha [family]! Take hold of the eternal life. Wow. I love that. Something profound in Paul’s instructions to his spiritual son, Timothy…
Daily Word: Yippee! Let’s Talk About Suffering! 1 Peter 5:10
The S Word. Yippee! Time to talk about suffering! The apostle Peter — who was one of the original twelve that walked with Jesus — has what…
Daily Word: Searching for the Light in this World? Isaiah 60:1
Shabbat Shalom! Arise! Shine! Today’s verse leads us into one of the most profound chapters of prophesies. Some have come to be, others are…
Daily Word: Never? Never Shaken? Psalm 55:23
Never is a big word. It’s right up there with e-t-e-r-n-i-t-y. Psalm 55 is King David’s plea for help against his enemies. Not just any enemy…
Daily Word: Who? Proverbs 30:4
I love these passages in Scripture. They remind us of who we are — and more importantly, who GOD is. No one can compare with ADONAI…
Daily Word: Is There Delight in Your Soul? Proverbs 29:17
For those with young children, we know the sleepless nights of colic, sickness, potty training, etc. But, what of the sleepless nights and…
Daily Word: Do You Selah? Proverbs 13:13
There’s a Hebrew word that I love — even though it can frustrate me sometimes. The word is Selah.One of the frustrations is that the meaning…
Daily Word: Press On, My Friends.
Are you feeling a bit weary these days? I hope this proverb and devotion will be an appetizer of comfort. After that, let our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: Does Worry Make Us Forget? Proverbs 3:1-2
L’shana Tova! Happy New Year! Yes, it is the Jewish New Year or head of the year. Also known as Yom Teruah—the Day of the Trumpets/Shofar…