Morning vs. evening people. Yes, there really is such a thing. Today’s proverb is helpful in maintaining a harmonious relationship with…
Daily Word: Silence Can Be Wise. Proverbs 17:28
You got to love this passage. I mean, we can look wise by just keeping our mouth shut. But are we just looking wise or is this a step…
Daily Word: What Do You Trust? Proverbs 11:28
Growing up, I was never outdoorsy, but I did enjoy sitting in the branches of the maple tree in our yard. My adventurous endeavor was…
Daily Word: Even When Your Heart is Broken… Proverbs 15:23
Have you ever experienced this? The sweet joy of providing the perfect word from God for another person? It’s amazing. It connects us with…
Daily Word: Are You a Virtuous Person? Proverbs 12:4
Not a wife? May I encourage you to continue? Marriage is about unity and unity in the Body of Messiah is just as important. Let’s begin by…
Daily Word: Are You Up Against a “City of Warriors?” Proverbs 21:22
Today’s proverb today reminds me of those miraculous stories in the Bible. You know the ones I’m talking about. Where the underdog…
Creating a Desert or Fertile Environment?
Did you catch that? The word worrisome. Oh my. WORRY creates a desert environment?So, my fretting, “concern,” and wringing of my hands is…
Daily Word: Let Go of the Banana! Proverbs 11:6
Have you ever seen a monkey trap? It’s quite simple: place a banana in a box, bottle, or gourd with a small opening. The monkey sees or…
Daily Word: Happily Ever After? Proverbs 3:25-26
Many of us female Baby Boomers grew up with the knight-in-shining-armor-on-a-white-steed fairytale. As romantic as it was, unfortunately…