Ever hear the story about the father who gave one child a bunch of Christmas gifts and the other child just one gift?The first child opens…
Daily Word: Don’t Worry? John 16:33
John 16 was written but a few days before the unthinkable would happen. Yeshua [Jesus] would be betrayed by one of their own friends…
Daily Word: Faith to Understand. Hebrews 11:6
Seems simple. Obvious. Our faith begins with believing God exists. I mean, that’s logical, right, if we don’t believe He exists, then how…
Daily Word: Shake, Rattle and Thrive! Isaiah 54:10
Is our covenant of peace shaken, today? Are the mountains and hills around us shaking so badly, we wonder if or how we’ll get through this…
Daily Word: Bigger Than Us? Proverbs 21:12
Well, today’s proverb is one of those confusing passages. As I often do, I researched various scholarly works for the wise ones’…
Daily Word: The Rock. 1 Samuel 2:2
The context of this verse is a new mother, Hannah who had once been barren, honors her vow to GOD to give up her child forever. She…
Daily Word: Need a Faith Builder? Psalm 105:1
What a beautiful psalm! Need a faith-builder? Read all of Psalm 105. The first six verses are pure worship with moments of praise…
Daily Word: Better than GPS! Jeremiah 29:13
Jeremiah has some of the most beautiful understanding of the Creator of the Universe. The prophet also shows the Creator’s heart…
Daily Word: A Paradigm Shift. Ephesians 3:20-21
The early chapters in the book of Ephesians explain a major spiritual paradigm shift. For thousands of years, the people of the nations…