Powerful emotions can drive change — for good or evil. Today’s proverb addresses the emotion of desire. Desire for what we cannot have, can…
Daily Word: A Different Perspective. Psalm 95:6
Some scholars believe Psalm 95 is part of a series of psalms (93, 95-99) called “enthronement psalms.” Written around the Babylonian exile…
Daily Word: The Perfect Love We Don’t Talk About. 1 John 4:18
This verse is deep. Typically — me included — folks don’t contextualize the “perfect love drives out fear.” Instead, we focus on God’s…
Daily Word: “Little” Compromises? Proverbs 23:5
The context of this proverb is about unbalanced priorities, and how this imbalance can draw us away from our Heavenly Father and our…
Daily Word: Born of God? 1 John 4:7
Every person on this planet was born. Our Heavenly Father is the Creator of the Universe. Therefore, seems obvious that everyone is born…
Daily Word: Don’t Worry? John 16:33
John 16 was written but a few days before the unthinkable would happen. Yeshua [Jesus] would be betrayed by one of their own friends…
Daily Word: Incite or Encourage? Proverbs 29:8
Remember the old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? If only that were true. As we can see in…
Daily Word: Enjoying the Test? Jacob [James] 1:12
The first time I rode a rollercoaster was like a right-of-passage moment. Looking back, it reminds me of facing my fears. One of my…
Daily Word: Giving vs. Shortages. Proverbs 11:25
Remember the shortages of toilet paper, paper towels, masks, and hand sanitizer? How many of us grabbed what we could out of fear, rather…