Remember the shortages of toilet paper, paper towels, masks, and hand sanitizer? How many of us grabbed what we could out of fear, rather…
Daily Word: Be Strong! It’s a Choice of Faith! Joshua 1:9
There’s that word: Chazak! Be strong! Our context? Joshua’s beloved mentor has gone off somewhere to die, where GOD Himself would bury him…
Daily Word: Unraveling the Snare, Proverbs 29:25
Any type of fear is a trap, but the fear of man is particularly tricky. It can disguise itself as a form of respect or responsibility…
Daily Word: Even in Our Fear, Psalm 56:4[3]
That oh so important context truly deepens today’s verse. David shares how he felt when captured by the Philistines — his old enemies…
Daily Word: A Rod and Staff Comfort? Psalm 23:4
It’s interesting how commentaries differ on the symbolism of the “rod and staff.” From comparisons to Moses’s rod — a walking stick GOD…
Daily Word: Perspective Matters. John 3:17
Have we ever thought or been told or worse, told someone else, “If you don’t believe in Jesus, then you’ll be condemned to eternal…
Daily Word: A Different Perspective, Psalm 95:6
Some scholars believe Psalm 95 is part of a series of psalms called “enthronement psalms.” Written around the Babylonian exile,
Daily Word: A Rod & Staff Comfort? Psalm 23:4
A Rod and Staff Comfort? It’s interesting how commentaries differ on the symbolism of the “rod and staff.”
Daily Word: The Perspective Verse, John 3:17
Have we ever thought or been told or worse, told someone else, “If you don’t believe in Jesus, then you’ll be condemned to eternal damnation.”? The truth is,