If one can have a favorite chapter in Proverbs, this is mine. It is meaty with lessons and guidance, yes, but what I love about it is how…
Daily Word: Using Prudence? Proverbs 19:11
Ah, yes. One of my favorite words: prudence. But, using prudence as a means of self-control for anger is interesting. Just as a reminder…
Daily Word: Adultery Against God? Proverbs 6:29
Today’s verse seems straightforward: “Do not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14) And that is what today’s Proverb is about — taking another…
Daily Word: Get the Feeling You’re Being Watched? Proverbs 23:16
Have you ever felt like you were being watched? Not in a creepy way, but that people were observing your behavior? Your life…
Daily Word: Pay Attention! Proverbs 7:24
Chapter seven of Proverbs’ story of seduction is an all too common one. It’s important to remember seduction comes in many forms. However…
Daily Word: Scary Bible Verse. Matthew 6:14
Jesus said some scary things. Scary because they hold us accountable for our own actions. They might, on the surface, seem counterintuitive…
Daily Word: My Eye on You. Psalm 32:8
Another verse where context is so important. David bemoans his unsettled heart and mind. He has sinned and, as yet, he has not confessed…
Daily Word: Who’s a Worm?? Isaiah 41:13
Okay. I must chuckle. Context is so important. Did you read verse 14? “‘Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! I will help you…
Daily Word: Shedding Light in Dark Places. 1 John 1:7
Taken out of context, the images this verse brings to our imagination could be little lambs frolicking in the sunshine. The Great Shepherd…