I wonder how the translators of the Bible — especially the Gospels and Epistles — all decided how the verses were separated and numbered…
Daily Word: Out of the Heart? Luke 6:45
Think we can hide any evil or unhealthy roots growing inside our hearts? Anger? Hatred? Envy? Fear? Doubt? Unfortunately—or maybe fortunately…
Daily Word: Context—Escaping Temptation? 1 Corinthians 10:13
Has anyone ever said to you, “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.”? That saying — which isn’t Scriptural — might be a misinterpretation…
Daily Word: Becoming New. 2 Corinthians 5:17
We’ve all done it. A cringe-worthy act or hurtful words — things we wish we could take back. But we can’t. We can’t because those actions…
Daily Word: Are You in the Wrong “Neighborhood?” Proverbs 17:1
I used to live in “Strife-ville.” I’m not sure when I moved there. One day I happened to notice I was surrounded by strife. And in an odd…
Daily Word: Escape Route? Proverbs 7:5
What is seduction? Is it only about sex? No. Seduction is a deeper level of temptation. It involves both the mind and body. It’s about…
Daily Word: Spiritual Quicksand! Proverbs 2:18
Every time I read this proverb, I think of quicksand. Did you know that there are different types of quicksand? Some are more dangerous…
Daily Word: What Counts as a Lie? Proverbs 14:25
Most of us would say we don’t lie. And that’s probably true — that is, that we say we don’t lie. Because GOD is pretty clear about how He…
Daily Word: Whose Invite Will You Accept? Proverbs 9:16
There are two voices in today’s chapter: Wisdom (9:1-12) and Folly (9:13-18). If you notice, both Wisdom and Folly call out to the naïve…