Deny myself? Really? Our Savior’s statement probably wouldn’t fly in today’s world — follower of Jesus or not. To deny ourselves means we…
Daily Word: Are Your Eyes Satisfied? Proverbs 27:20
Greed. Most examples of greed begin with the eyes. From the tiniest baby to the wizened adult, when we see something we want and can’t…
Daily Word: Bribing God? Proverbs 15:27
Greed elevates a desire for things and power and work, above a desire for God and family. It is greed that changes our priorities from our…
Daily Word: Strategic Selfishness? Proverbs 11:26
I think we’ve all struggled with selfishness—being the giver or the recipient of another’s selfishness. Someone asks us for a favor and…
Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 15:27
Have you ever bribed God?