These days we battle big things like rights, but we also battle just as important things like protecting our identity. We protect our identity…
Daily Word: Choose or I Take Your Chocolate! Zephaniah 3:17
If someone would threaten to remove chocolate from this world if I didn’t choose my most favorite verse of the Bible, it would be today’s…
Daily Word: Daddy’s Home! Proverbs 2:5
What goes through your mind when you read, “fear of the LORD?” Do you think about the flood and Noah (Genesis 7), Aaron’s sons Nadab and…
Daily Word: Choose, Or I Take Your Chocolate! Zephaniah 3:17
If someone would threaten to remove chocolate from this world if I didn’t choose my most favorite verse of the Bible, it would be today’s verse. Why?
Daily Word: Learning How to Rest in Him, Matthew 11:28-29
The context of these verses is not what you might think. This passage of comfort and love appear at the end of a series of statements . . .
Daily Word: Requesting in Gratitude, Psalm 37:4
We all have desires, yes? But are these the requests we present to our Heavenly Father? I love that the translators used requests rather than desires.
Daily Word: Isaiah 25:1
With phrases like, “plans of old” and “steadfast faithfulness” is it any wonder we are in awe of our Dad?
Daily Word: John 5:24
This is interesting. Who does Jesus tell His followers — us — to trust for eternal life? The One who sent Him. Who sent Yeshua? His Father.