Shabbat Shalom, dear chaverim [friends]! Have you ever meditated on today’s verse? Really thought about what Jesus is saying to us…
Daily Word: It’s Time to Open Some Boxes… Proverbs 21:16-19
Some of you may know we moved from Georgia to Illinois. We close on our house here in a few weeks, which means the movers will arrive…
Daily Word: Our Spirit is His lamp? Proverbs 20:27
Our Heavenly Father’s lamp is our spirit? It’s worth noting that we typically think that this is the role of the Holy Spirit. Which is…
Daily Word: A Mini-Sauna or Something More? Proverbs 25:21-22
I have heard various interpretations of “heaping coals of fire” on our enemy’s head. Everything from God taking revenge on our enemy, to…
Daily Word: 7 Ways to Avoid Manipulators. Proverbs 25:15
Have you ever had a child wear you down until you give into their demands? Grumpy children left on their own, their behavior can develop…
Daily Word: Mobile Refuge? Psalm 46:2[1]
Anyone out there remember the credit card commercial slogan, “Don’t leave home without it!”? That was the first thought I had reading…
Daily Word: What Did You Say? Proverbs 22:17
I used to have incredible hearing. A dog barking down the street, a bird in a neighbor’s tree, my father’s car coming down the street…
Daily Word: Begin Simply. Galatians 5:25
Context. Paul was dealing with a real controversy within the believing community in Galatia, a region in what is today’s central Turkey…
Daily Word: Planning? Proverbs 19:21
How often do we seek the LORD’s counsel before we proceed with our plans? I wish I could say, “Woo-hoo! All the time!” Really, I wish I…