This is amazing. The Holy Spirit will be our personal Helper? Our Heavenly Father will give us — because we are His children — a part of…
Daily Word: Always Working! Philippians 2:13
Sometimes we just don’t want to do the right thing, do we? The thing that our Heavenly Father has told us to do?And this is no random…
Daily Word: A Beautiful Turn of the Phrase. Romans 8:6
Goodness. Did you read all of chapter 8? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. The chapter further demonstrates the brilliance and…
Daily Word: The Forgotten Armor. Ephesians 6:18
Ah, yes, the Ephesians 6 Armor of GOD pericope (section of verses). Most of us are familiar with the six components of the spiritual…
Daily Word: Those Pesky Expectations. Acts 1:8
Of course, then there is the context issue. Remember how the disciples thought Jesus was there to set them free from the Roman oppressors…
Daily Word: Are You Provoked? Proverbs17:16
There is a process of meditating on the Bible that I loosely call the “Provoke Method.” Over the years, I’ve always known it as…
Daily Word: Living Waters, John 7:38
It was the last great day of the Feast of Sukkot — the Feast of Tabernacles — when Jesus cried out this quote from Isaiah and Zechariah.
Daily Word: Whose Plans? Proverbs 19:21
Whose Plans? How often do we seek the LORD’s counsel before we proceed with our plans? I wish I could say . . .
Daily Word: Always Working, Philippians 2:13
Sometimes we just don’t want to do the right thing, do we? The thing that our Heavenly Father has told us to do?