Have we ever thought or been told or worse, told someone else, “If you don’t believe in Jesus, then you’ll be condemned to eternal damnation.”? The truth is, before being redeemed…
Daily Word: 8 Attributes of a Perseverant Person. Romans 5:3-5
I woke up tired this morning, how about you? Once my brain kicked into gear, I realized that my “To Do” list was longer than yesterday’s…
Daily Word: Very Loved Specks. Psalm 19:2[1]
These days we battle big things like rights, but we also battle just as important things like protecting our identity. We protect our identity…
Daily Word: Confession is Good for the Soul? 1 John 1:9
Sometimes we forget that important step to forgiveness: confession. Confession means we recognize that what we did was not just wrong, not just a mistake…
Daily Word: Sweet Talk, Proverbs 16:24
Shabbat Shalom! If you have followed my Proverbs blogs over the years you’ve learned as I learned, about the medicinal properties of honey. That our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: Feeling Slimy? Psalm 40:2-3[1-2]
Honestly, ever feel slimy? As in our spirit is so gunked up with the mud and mire of this world it has us trapped in a pit of fear, despair, bitterness…
Daily Word: Context, Again? Colossians 4:2
In the previous chapter, the ending verses, Paul gives life instructions to various people. Wives, husbands, children, fathers, and “slaves”*…
Daily Word: Look for the Sweet Moments. Jeremiah 31:25
Shabbat Shalom! Context. This passage is part of a prophetic night-vision God gives Jeremiah. A beautiful vision of hope for the believing and faithful remnant of Israel…
Daily Word: Test Answers? Matthew 4:4
Here’s a difficult question. Have you ever cheated on a test? Getting the answers to a test by cheating foils the purpose of a test — to see if we understand…