Shabbat Shalom! What does Alzheimer’s have to do with today’s verse? First, what is persecution anyway? It is defined as a program or campaign to exterminate…
Daily Word: Ready and Willing. Romans 1:16
The Roman believers began “independently” of the Jewish emissaries from Jerusalem. Prior to the new congregation of Roman believers, there was a significant…
Daily Word: You are My God. You are My Dad. Isaiah 25:1
With phrases like, “plans of old” and “steadfast faithfulness” and “wonderful things” is it any wonder we are in awe of our Dad? He is the Ancient of Days…
Daily Word: Ouch! Matthew 3:8
You have to admire John the Immerser [a.k.a Baptist]. He never pulled any punches. Yet, this tiny clause of his comment to the Pharisees and Sadducees is filled with hope…
Daily Word: Hear the Siren? Jacob [James] 1:22-24
This is a meaty passage. My takeaway is that I have a choice to be a doer of God’s word or only a hearer.A doer will try their best to live out His word, while a hearer feels good — or convicted…
Daily Word: Just Checking In. 1 Thessalonians 3:3
Shabbat Shalom! This epistle/letter is one of Paul’s earliest. It appears from the context of 1 Thessalonians that he addresses newly converted non-Jews…
Daily Word: Exploring the Gift? John 14:26
Shabbat Shalom, dear chaverim [friends]! Have you ever meditated on today’s verse? Really thought about what Jesus is saying to us…
Daily Word: Peace with Everyone? Hebrew 12:14
Are we to have shalom — peace — with everyone? It is interesting that this verse is tucked within instructions on how to accept discipline from God, our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: Too Busy? Psalm 46:11[10]
It’s difficult to be still sometimes, isn’t it? Especially with demands and deadlines and challenges that never seem to end. As we enter a new year, these initial days and weeks…