Shabbat Shalom! This epistle/letter is one of Paul’s earliest. It appears from the context of 1 Thessalonians that he addresses newly converted non-Jews…
Daily Word: Exploring the Gift? John 14:26
Shabbat Shalom, dear chaverim [friends]! Have you ever meditated on today’s verse? Really thought about what Jesus is saying to us…
Daily Word: Peace with Everyone? Hebrew 12:14
Are we to have shalom — peace — with everyone? It is interesting that this verse is tucked within instructions on how to accept discipline from God, our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: Too Busy? Psalm 46:11[10]
It’s difficult to be still sometimes, isn’t it? Especially with demands and deadlines and challenges that never seem to end. As we enter a new year, these initial days and weeks…
Daily Word: Even the Little Stuff? Luke 16:10
This verse is so powerful. Essentially Jesus is invoking the “Golden Rule” — “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31) –and expands on it in the pericope…
Daily Word: Rooted to Bear Fruit? John 15:5
Lately, I don’t have much of a green thumb. I’ve done well in rooting philodendron branches in a glass of water. And, I’ve gotten pretty good at transplanting them…
Daily Word: Food that Nourishes? Isaiah 55:1-2, TLV
We know these verses have nothing to do with food or drink. When God talks about the basics of life — food, drink, home, work, rest — there’s always a deeper message…
Daily Word: It’s Not Too Late. Isaiah 55:6-7, TLV
Shabbat Shalom, dear friends! We probably all have friends or loved ones who aren’t following the LORD. Perhaps you are seeking — wondering how a loving God could be found…
Daily Word: Take Hold of the Eternal! 1 Timothy 6:12, TLV
Shabbat shalom, mishpocha [family]! Take hold of the eternal life. Wow. I love that. Something profound in Paul’s instructions to his spiritual son, Timothy…