Think we can hide any evil or unhealthy roots growing inside our hearts? Anger? Hatred? Envy? Fear? Doubt? Unfortunately—or maybe fortunately…
Daily Word: Still a Miracle. Psalm 91:1-2
I missed the anniversary of one of the watermark miracles in my life. For those who don’t remember or are aware, here’s my Facebook post from January 10, 2016…
Daily Word: Strategic Selfishness? Proverbs 11:26
I think we’ve all struggled with selfishness—being the giver or the recipient of another’s selfishness. Someone asks us for a favor and…
Daily Word: Mobile Refuge? Psalm 46:2[1]
Anyone out there remember the credit card commercial slogan, “Don’t leave home without it!”? That was the first thought I had reading…
Daily Word: The Perfect Love We Don’t Talk About. 1 John 4:18
This verse is deep. Typically — me included — folks don’t contextualize the “perfect love drives out fear.” Instead, we focus on God’s…
Daily Word: A Valuable Lesson, Proverbs 30:10
Remember our gratitude for those souls working in the service industries during COVID? But did we learn a lesson? Those souls working in…