Did you know there are more than 40 passages that speak of GOD’s mercy and lovingkindness? And they’re not in the New Testament.
Daily Word: A Dolphin in a Kiddie Pool? Matthew 7:8
This verse has been taken out of context so many times. Used in ways that inevitably cause discouragement, even as far as a crisis of faith. It is said that “Scripture will interpret Scripture.”
Daily Word: Our Wisdom Manual, Proverbs 9:10
Makes sense, right. If someone designs and builds something, they know best how it works.
Daily Word: What is Our Legacy? Proverbs 4:23
Most of you know of my love of the book of Proverbs. Reading a chapter each day for nearly two decades has changed my life in all areas of life: my relationship with our Heavenly Father, parenting, mentoring, finance, business decisions, etc., etc., etc.
Daily Word: As Simple as That, Psalm 113:3
The Biblical day begins at sundown. “. . . So there was evening and there was morning—one day.” (Genesis 1:5b, TLV). So, it is interesting . . .
Daily Word: Our Salvation, Isaiah 12:2
My readers sometimes ask why I love using Jesus’s Hebrew name, Yeshua. Sometimes I say, “That’s the name His mother called Him when it was time for dinner.”
Daily Word: S or R? Galatians 5:24
Here’s that old confusing redemption and sanctification thing. Did you know Zechariah prophesied about it?
Daily Word: The Art of Good Deeds, Jacob [James] 3:13
Does showing our good deeds — our good conduct — in the gentleness of wisdom looks different than “ordinary” deeds? On the surface, probably not. But …
Daily Word: Thanksgiving at Any Time, 1 Chronicles 16:34
Finally. The Ark of the Covenant is back in its designated place in Jerusalem in the Tent of Meeting King David had made. There is barely a mention in chapter 16 of sacrifices.