Those Pesky Expectations. Of course, then there is the context issue. Remember how the disciples thought Jesus was there to set them free from the Roman oppressors?
Daily Word: Love God, Love Each Other, Galatians 5:14
Many folks think that Jesus did away with the Law — the Torah — but He didn’t, He fulfilled it (Matthew 5:17).
Daily Word: A Beautiful Turn of the Phrase, Romans 8:6
Did you read all of chapter 8? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. The chapter further demonstrates the brilliance and incredible ability for Paul to turn a beautiful phrase.
Daily Word: It’s About Compassion, Luke 6:36
Segregation. It’s a controversial word. It’s not just a racial issue — it’s an attitude of “us” and “them.” But, our Heavenly Father doesn’t see the “us” and “them.” Why?
Daily Word: What We “Wear” Matters? Colossians 3:12
What we wear matters? Paul’s letter to the Colossians is a reminder. He reminds them that once they “wore” the sinful, old self (vs. 9).
Daily Word: Does it Make a Difference? Proverbs 13:6
It’s the cause and effect scenario. God’s physics. What we sow is what we reap. Right? But, these days, we’re reaping what we didn’t sow.
Daily Word: Love that Changes Lives. John 15:13
This is a difficult one. Jesus is commanding us to love. Not just the warm and fuzzy feeling kind of love, but the love that has feet and hands.
Daily Word: I Don’t Understand. John 20:2
I Don’t Understand. Shalom aleichem — Peace be unto you! Perhaps we can take some comfort in the story behind this verse.
Daily Word: Expectations, John 14:1
Let your heart not be troubled . . . No small task, is it? Yeshua (Jesus) is preparing His followers for His death and eventual departure from this world.