We’ve tried and tried and tried, but we can’t seem to get a breakthrough. Not for us, but in trying to make a difference in others in our Savior’s name.
Daily Word: What is Your ROI? Ecclesiastes 4:9
Back when I worked in the corporate world, a high ROI was paramount. Division heads and executives wanted to know that Return on Investment.
Daily Word: Light of the World, Colossians 1:13
“The kingdom of the Son whom He loves.” Don’t you just love that? The Father gave His Son a kingdom where His redeemed children may enter.
Daily Word: Following Our Shepherd, Psalm 23:1-2
A good shepherd knew their flock, and their flock knew their shepherd’s voice. Israel’s greatest fear was to be as sheep without a Shepherd.
Daily Word: Not Worth Comparing, Romans 8:18
Back when we lived in the Philadelphia area, there was this lovely woman in our congregation, “Judy”. Not only was she lovely on the outside, but her heart just radiated the love of Yeshua [Jesus].
Daily Word: Faith Helps Us Understand, Hebrews 11:6
Our faith begins with believing God exists. I mean, that’s logical, right, if we don’t believe He exists, then how can we have faith? But . . .
Daily Word: Love that Carries Through, 1 Corinthians 13:6
Injustice comes in different forms. As redeemed children of our Heavenly Father, we can choose to rejoice in truth or in being justified.
Daily Word: Risking Lives to Save Lives, Matthew 10:16
Jesus intended to send the disciples out as sheep in a world of wolves. They needed to understand the risks. But like first-responders, the goal was to save lives.
Daily Word: A Perfect Life? Psalm 34:20[19]
Read apart from the whole chapter, today’s verse seems to imply that the LORD will deliver us from every trouble.