Okay, my friends. Bear with me on this one. I’ve meditated on this one for a while, but frankly, I may need more time. You’ll be able to…
Daily Word: Too Much Talk? Proverbs 13:4
For some folks all their energy is spent talking about an idea, rather than working the idea. In other words: some talk, some do. New…
Daily Word: Are You Rolling in the Mud? Proverbs 12:16
Chag Semeach [Happy Holiday], dear friends! As we celebrate the atoning work of our Messiah, may you abide in the peace of His redemption…
Daily Word: Is Your Home a Refuge or a Battleground? Proverbs 11:29
Before I begin this little devotion, our family wishes your family Chag Semeach—Happy Holiday. At sundown the holy festival, Yom Kippur…
Daily Word: What Does Walking in Integrity Look Like? Proverbs 10:9
As we walk the path of life, we don’t always make good decisions. And we have talked about how the fear of making a wrong decision can…
Daily Word: Do You See the Prisms in Proverbs? Proverbs 9:9
You know how I love to tell you all how important it is to live the Proverbs? That living the Proverbs means we’re in them each day — as…
Daily Word: So Big… Proverbs 8:22-23
Every once in awhile, I love to ponder on the BIGNESS of God. Just one of those selah-moments where I pause and meditate on how…
Daily Word: Do You Consider Your Soul? Proverbs 7:21-23
“…he never considered his own soul!” That phrase “provokes” some emotion in me. How about you? It provokes a healthy sense of fear and…
Daily Word: Are There Different Types of Sins? Proverbs 6:30-31
Another blink* passage. In fact, most of chapter 6 might be passed over as not relevant to us. But, you know me, up sprouted something…